Study finds seasonal peaks in divorce filings


Study finds seasonal peaks in divorce filings

A recent study by an American sociology professor and a doctoral candidate shed new light on when divorce filings are most common. According to the authors from the University of Washington, who presented their findings to the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association in Washington, March and August are the months with the highest number of divorce filings.

The study included data from 37 of the 39 counties in Washington state — two counties were not included in the study because they allow divorces through the mail without appearing in court. Data from other U.S. states — Arizona, Florida, Ohio and Minnesota — have divorce laws that are similar to Washington state, but have different economic conditions and demographics. The professor said, “What I can tell you is that the seasonable pattern for divorce filings is more or less the same.”

The initial research was on how the recession affected marital stability and issues like declining home values and rising unemployment rates. This was when the peaks in divorce filings in March and August were initially observed. The professor described the peaks as “very robust from year to year.”

The reasons for the increase in divorce filings could be that couples see the holidays as times when mending relationships is possible. However, those times are often more stressful and can actually cause a relationship to reveal its flaws more easily. The research team says this seasonal nature of peaks could also reflect how unhappy spouses become disillusioned once vacation time doesn’t repair a relationship.

If you are considering a divorce, it’s wise to learn more about the process in Ontario. A lawyer can provide you with answers to your questions.


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