Rushing into divorce can cause emotional and financial ruin


Rushing into divorce can cause emotional and financial ruin

Ending a marriage is known to be a traumatic experience — not only emotionally but also financially. Ontario residents who consider untying the knot may want to note a few costly mistakes made by many people. Just like marriage, divorce may be one of the most significant steps a person can take. If not navigated with care, it can cause financial and emotional ruin.

Many attorneys find that January brings approximately one-third more divorce filings than any other month. Although the holidays might be stressful and filled with emotional and financial anxiety and tension, filing for divorce impulsively can be detrimental. Rather than rushing to file out of anger after an incident like discovering a spouse’s infidelity, being strategic might save a lot of money.

Advisors say one should approach divorce as a business deal with as little aggression and emotion as possible. Gathering as much financial information as possible, rather than paying an attorney to subpoena a spouse’s banks and employer to get the information, can save a fair amount of money. When it comes to the emotional side of divorce, filing during the holidays may spoil future holidays for all — especially children. Something else to guard against is filing for divorce without proper preparation on the advice and encouragement of relatives or friends.

Along with spending the time to gather the necessary information, closing joint bank and credit card accounts and opening personal ones, it might be wise to spend time interviewing Ontario divorce lawyers. A step as significant as a divorce deserve to be navigated with support and guidance of the best possible legal counsel. It might pay to make sure the right person handles the matters that will determine future financial and emotional stability.


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