Do you need help with understanding child support guidelines?

Contention often exists between separated or divorced parents in Ontario. To make it easier for parents, Federal Child Support Guidelines became effective in 1997. However, in the 20 years since then, not much has changed because many couples fail to reach agreement on issues that play roles in the determination of child support. The presence […]
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Child support — how much does it cost to raise a child in Canada

Campaign 2000 is a national coalition that aims to work toward ending and preventing child poverty countrywide. In a recent report, the coalition stated that no official estimates exist in Ontario — in fact, no such figures are available in the entire country — that actually tells how much it costs to raise a child. […]
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What circumstances will justify child support variation requests?

When parents file for divorce, they become ex-spouses, but they will never be ex-parents. Their responsibilities to their children remain, and that is why the court orders one parent to pay child support. However, over the years following a divorce, the circumstances of both parents can change, and so can the needs of the children. […]
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What is the best way to enforce a child support order?

In a perfect world, anybody who owes child support would pay in full and on time. But in the real world, you know that this is not always true. You hope that you are never in this position, but you realize it could come into play at some point in the future. Just when you […]
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How do you solve a child support dispute?

If you are faced with a child support dispute, it means that you and the other parent are not getting along for some reason. While you think one thing is right, your former partner believes something else to be true. This can lead to quite a bit of trouble, as well as a date in […]
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