Family law: How and when can spousal support payments be stopped?

Spousal support is awarded in some Ontario divorces. How long payments will continue depends on the details of the situation. Family law has some general rules about spousal support. In some cases, court orders or separation agreements will specify an end date such as the time of the recipient’s remarriage, or upon the death of […]
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Family Law: Contention could be resolved in mediation

Many divorcing couples in Ontario and other provinces choose to avoid litigation by exploring options for alternative dispute resolution. With the guidance of a family law mediator, couples may resolve contentious issues through communication and — when necessary — compromise. The mediator provides a platform for peaceful negotiation and does not provide legal advice, though […]
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Family law: Premarital matters to address before the ceremony

Ontario couples who are having fun planning their weddings may hate the prospect of attending to matters that are much less romantic. However, to avoid bureaucratic problems later, it may be wise to address some legal issues and get them out of the way. Those who have unanswered questions may want to consult with an […]
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Family law: What protection does a prenup offer?

People take out car insurance because an accident might occur, not because they think it will happen. Why then, do some people avoid signing — or even discussing — prenuptial agreements? The concept is the same; it is insurance against loss and damage in the event of a divorce. Ontario couples who are considering marriage […]
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Family law: Marriage fraud and how to avoid it

For a resident of Ontario, getting romantically involved with a person of another country may have devastating consequences. Someone a person meets on the internet or while on a trip may feel like the perfect soul mate. However, to get that individual to settle in Canada and become a spouse or common-law partner, not only […]
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Family Law: What to consider when getting engaged

Thousands of couples in Ontario and elsewhere choose to start their engagements in the time between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day. However, at this time of being hopelessly in love, not many think about the seriousness of such a commitment and the important financial matters to consider. Consulting with an experienced family law lawyer even […]
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The need for prenuptial agreements in stepfamilies

Entering into a second marriage when one or both parties have children from a previous relationship or marriage can be challenging. Children typically take months or even years to accept stepparents. Some Ontario parents choose to address all other family law issues in a prenuptial agreement to allow them to pay full attention to building […]
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Understand the adoption process before you apply

In our previous blog post, we discussed how there are some aspects of domestic adoptions that need to be changed so that so many children won’t age out of the system. The fact is that it is very difficult to adopt children here, but that doesn’t mean that it is impossible. We can help you […]
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The adoption process needs some changes here

Ontario has around 6,000 children who are eligible for adoption. Sadly, some of those children will enter adulthood and age out of the system without ever being adopted. This is due, at least in part, to the outdated and tedious system that is used to approve adoptive families and complete the adoption process. There are […]
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Polyamorous family don’t have many legal protections

Polyamorists — those who commit to a relationship with more than one person who is in a committed intimate relationship — face challenges when they are looking for legal protections for family law matters in Canada. While this population demographic isn’t a large one, the executive director of the Canadian National Research Institute for Law […]
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